We have been trying to find useful patient-centered information for people having radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Surprisingly, it was hard to find a lot of material. The following may be informative.
Memorial Sloan Kettering's "Radiation Therapy to Your Head and Neck" is thorough and informative.
It states: This information will help you get ready for radiation therapy to your head and neck. It will help you know what to expect before, during, and after your treatment. It will also help you learn about side effects and how to care for yourself during treatment.
The web site Patient Resource has the following: "Oral Cancer Survivor" that related a patient's story of radiotherapy for cancer of the tongue.
There is a group called SPOHNC (Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer). Founded in 1991, its mission statement is: "SPOHNC is dedicated to raising awareness and meeting the needs of oral and head and neck cancer patients through its resources and publications." It has 100 chapters around the United States and they meet regularly.