Spirituality is difficult to define, but a recent consensus conference defined it as the aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose. Spirituality is understood by many as a means that helps a person to cope with chronic or life threatening illnesses. While some people may not believe in a specific faith, many are interested in spirituality.
Spirituality can also be understoof as the dimension of a person that seeks to find meaning in his or her life. It is the quality that supports connection to and relationship with the sacred, as well as with each other. Physicians and healthcare workers need to be aware of the importance of the spiritual needs of those who are ill and suffer. Such awareness will lead to compassionate care.
Coming to grips with each individual patient’s spirituality requires a broad understanding of the person’s beliefs and values. Christina Puchalski’s FICA Spirituality History Tool1 can be a guide to a spirituality assessment:
F: the presence of Faith, belief, or meaning;
I: the Importance of spirituality in an individual’s life and the influence that belief system or values has on the person’s health care decision making;
C: the individual’s spiritual Community;
A: interventions to Address spiritual needs.
PDF of full article on Spirituality in Dermatology practice: Spirituality in Derm
1. Puchalski C. FICA Spiritual History Tool. George Washington Institute for Spirituality & Health, GeorgeWashington School of Medicine & Health Sciences. https://smhs.gwu.edu/gwish/clinical/fica /spiritual-history-tool. Accessed December 26, 2016. (Image is from GWISH)